Chapter 7 - Money and Time
Take A Sneak Peek At Chapter Seven
This chapter we will be focusing on...
- find the total value of collections of dimes, nickels, and pennies
- find the total values of collections of quarters, dimes, nickels, and pennies
- order coins in a collection by value and then find the total value
- represent money amounts less than a dollar using two different combinations of coins
- show one dollar in a variety of ways
- find and record the total value for money amounts greater than $1
- solve word problems involving money by using the strategy act it out
- tell and write time to the hour and half hour
- tell and write time to the nearest five minutes
- practice telling time to the nearest five minutes
- tell and write time using A.M. and P.M.
Check out our latest learning below!
Hairy Money is one way mathematicians may decide to count their coins. Hairy Money allows students to use skip counting by fives to count all coins. Every coin that has a head that faces left gets at least one hair. Poor penny whose head faces right is bald!
Lesson 7.1
Lesson 7.2
Lesson 7.3
Lesson 7.4
Lesson 7.5
Lesson 7.6
Lesson 7.7
Lesson 7.8
Lesson 7.9
Lesson 7.10
Lesson 7.11