Chapter 2 - Numbers to 1,000

Take A Sneak Peek At Chapter Two

This chapter we will be focusing on...

NUMBER TO 1,000.

In our second unit of Go Math!, students will...

understand that each group of 10 tens is equivalent to 1 hundred

write 3-digit numbers that are represented by groups of tens

use concrete and pictorial models to represent 3-digit numbers

apply place value concepts to write 3-digit numbers that are represented by pictorial models

use place value to describe the values of digits in numbers to 1,000

read and write 3-digit numbers in word form

write 3-digit numbers in expanded form and in standard form

apply place value concepts to find equivalent representations of numbers

identify 10 more, 10 less, 100 more, or 100 less than a given number

extend number patterns by counting on by tens or hundreds

solve problems involving number comparisons by using the strategy make a model

compare 3-digit numbers using the >,<, = symbols.

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Check out our latest learning below!

Lesson 2.1

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Lesson 2.2

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Lesson 2.3

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Lesson 2.4

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Lesson 2.5

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Lesson 2.6

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Lesson 2.7

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Lesson 2.8

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Lesson 2.9

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Lesson 2.10

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Lesson 2.11

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Lesson 2.12

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