
We are learning all about our CHARACTERS!

We're getting to know our characters just like we get to know our friends!

Look below for some of our latest learning!

Readers are pushing themselves to pick SPECIFIC words to describe their characters' feelings.

We are noticing that a character's feelings change from the BEGINNING to the MIDDLE to the END of a book!

Are you writing a four star post-it?!

Ready to Retell?

Challenge your reader to give a five finger (and wrist) retell every time he/she finishes a book!

Readers THINK, TALK, and JOT about the books they are reading!

We've learned that active readers have a job before, while, and after reading a book!

Character Traits

Readers are working hard to use SPECIFIC words to describe the traits of their characters.

Got Proof?

Character Reactions

Readers pay close attention to how and why a character reacts a certain way.

Looking to Jot?

Take a look at the different charts and tools we are using to jot about our reading!

What do your post-its look like?

Looking to Post-It

Some readers might use the post-it bookmarks to mark pages that got them thinking or feeling.

Some readers might stop and jot on post-its using some of the sentence stems below.

Partnership Power

Students are learning and practicing the skills that make a good partner. We know good partners listen, and we listen by making eye contact, nodding, and being able to repeat what our partner says. Ask your child about our meatball and spaghetti partners!

Book Talk!

Readers will use the talk mat below to assist them in providing evidence for their thinking. Readers will also use this mat to remind them that partnerships should sound like conversations and one way to get a more conversation-like feel is by asking our partner questions like why.